
Barn Quilts

Decorating the scenic landscape are true folk-art renditions of traditional quilt squares, hand painted on barns throughout Miami County. This colorful array of barn quilts connects the countryside with our lovely, historic downtown communities, while celebrating the unique rural and agricultural experience in our area. Enjoy the beauty and simple elegance of the land as you make your way from town to town.

Want a PDF of the most current Barn Quilt Brochure?
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  • Other Cities

    Carpenter’s Wheel

    9977 Burr Oak-New Hope Road  |   Fletcher, Ohio

    Carpenter’s Wheel This barn is a lovely red barn with green metal roof and 2 white cupolas, and a…

  • Other Cities

    Corn and Beans

    6750 N. Burr Oak-New Hope Road  |   Fletcher, Ohio

    Corn and Beans The barn is a large wood frame barn originally used as a milk barn when the…

  • Piqua


    760 East Peterson Road  |   Piqua, Ohio

    Cornucopia Property is located north of Troy. From downtown Troy, take N. Market Street north to the unusual 5-way…

  • West Milton

    Country Farm

    8122 Milton-Potsdam Road  |   West Milton, Ohio

    Country Farm The owner selected this pattern because she felt that the pattern suited the location. The barn is constructed…

  • Tipp City

    Crazy Quilt

    6360 Agenbroad Rd  |   Tipp City, Ohio

    Crazy Quilt The Crazy Quilt pattern was selected because it resembled the stitching that the owner’s grandmother did many…

  • Piqua

    Crossed Square 2

    5255 Washington Rd  |   Piqua, Ohio

    Crossed Square 2 The family selected this pattern in honor of Frances M. Hiegel, the mother of the owner,…

  • Covington

    Double Hourglass

    7927 W. Versailles Rd  |   Covington, Ohio

    Double Hourglass This barn was built in 1850 and is mostly constructed of wood, but the west side is…

  • Other Cities

    Double T

    4550 Sodom-Ballou Road  |   Casstown, Ohio

    Double T This barn is a Bank Barn constructed of wood and concrete. The home on the property was…

  • Piqua

    Double Wedding Ring

    4910 OH-185  |   Piqua, Ohio

    Double Wedding Ring The family selected this pattern because: “We especially like the traditional pattern. We have a quilt…

  • Other Cities

    Dresden Plate

    5055 E. Snyder Rd  |   Fletcher, Ohio

    Dresden Plate This square was selected because they liked the pattern and it was very colorful. The owner’s Mother…
