
Travel Ideas in Troy, Ohio and Miami County

Miami County has a blend of unique attractions scattered throughout our area. On this page, you can find travel ideas to help spur fun and excitement.
Small towns and villages offer a glimpse back to a simpler time. And for those who have a more adventuresome side, you can hike, canoe, bike, and yes….even fly your cares away.
Looking for family travel ideas? We have ’em. In fact, most of the attractions, parks, and monuments in Miami County are family-friendly.
Our outdoor attractions are some of the most requested travel ideas. By wheel or by foot, by canoe or by air, you’ll find something fun to do for you and your family.
  • Troy

    Troy Bowling Center


    1530 McKaig Rd  |   Troy, Ohio

    Bowl the night away! Hometown bowling center that features all the entertainment of a typical bowling lane PLUS “Cosmic…

  • Troy

    Troy-Hayner Cultural Center


    301 West Main Street  |   Troy, Ohio

    Experience the Arts….. When your eyes rest on this gorgeous Tudor mansion adjacent to the Miami County Courthouse, you…
