West Milton, Ohio
West Milton, Ohio | West Milton, Ohio
Rich history & timeless treasures
As you travel along St. Rt. 48, you’ll find this charming, friendly village, with a restored downtown area that is graced with quaint shops just bursting with antiques, fashion, hardware & specialty items as well as several dining options. West Milton traces its heritage & rich history to an early contingent of Quaker settlers in 1796.
One settler, Joseph Evans, named the town Milton, in honor of his daughter’s favorite author, John Milton, author of “Paradise Lost”. It is just as probable that forbearers of the family had come from a town in England by the name of West Milton, as it later became known.
The Stillwater State Scenic River runs along the eastern edge of the town, and provides a lovely and idyllic setting for the community park, where locals & visitors can take a break from shopping to picnic, canoe, fish, or just enjoy the lovely scenery.