Pride of Ohio
2910 Ginghamsburg-Frederick Rd | Tipp City, Ohio
This family selected the pattern because their daughter and oldest son, plus their daughter-in-law are graduates of The Ohio State University and their younger son is a huge Ohio State fan! The family owns a llama named — “Buckeye”. The barn, built in approximately 1903, is constructed of wood with wooden pegs; the internal beams are hand hewn and some still have bark on them. It has a stone foundation and metal roof which was added in 2004. The property is part of an original land grant issued by President James Madison. The current owners have lived here since 1986 and raise sheep, as did the previous owners for 38 years, totaling nearly 60 years of sheep raised on the property. The front part of the house dates back to the 1880s where it was built at a different location, and was moved here approximately 1900. Inscribed in concrete, the date shows the barn was built three years later. The arch barn was built in the early 1950s and the back part of the house was added then as well.
Every summer, this family hosts a farm party that lasts for three days. The family all gathers with friends, with a total last year of 140 in attendance. The family has really enjoyed the farm and they all have wonderful memories of their life here.
Located Southwest of Tipp City. From Tipp City, take Rt. 571 West to County Rd. 25-A, turn left (South) and travel a little more than two miles to Ginghamsburg-Frederick Rd., turn right (West) and continue past Martindale Rd. Property is located just West of Martindale Rd. on the south side.