
Card Trick

4862 East St. Rt. 41   |  Troy, Ohio

Barn is a Pomeranian Style Sweitzer Bank Barn built in 1827, constructed originally of wood but now partially covered in shingles and metal. The farmstead is associated with Robert Sproul, an Irish born native, and one of the earliest settlers in Elizabeth Township, arriving in 1813. He constructed the house of bricks made from the clay on the farm, as well as cutting all of the wood used to construct the house from a sawmill he erected on the property. He operated a sawmill, grist mill and a distillery. All of those buildings were gone by 1900. The property remained in the Sproul family until 1911, when J.R. Marshall owned it, and then in 1917 J. M Hiegel purchased it.

East of Troy – Main Street in Troy is Rt. 41. Travel east 3.3 miles past Rt. 202. (if you come to Hufford you’ve gone too far). Looking south, the Barn is down a ¼ mile lane.

Sponsor: Miami Valley Centre Mall

Card Trick

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