Aviator’s Compass
7085 OH-202 | Tipp City, Ohio
This pattern was selected because one of the owners worked for Trans World Airlines for 32 years, and is very familiar with take-off and landing patterns of planes. The barn was built in 1930 after the original bank barn burned. It is a wood tobacco barn used to hang and cure the tobacco in the north end. The south end was used as a milking parlor and stalls for horses. Metal siding was applied in 1997. Originally, this property was part of the Studebaker property until the current owner’s grandfather purchased it in the 1930s. The current owners have lived here since 1966 and they renovated and remodeled the house, which was originally built in 1864.
Located East of Tipp City. It is the first farm North of West Charleston on the East side of the Road. From Tipp City take St. Rt. 571 east to St. Rt. 202 and turn south (right). Continue south until you pass Studebaker Rd. on the left. It should be visible soon, just before you get to West Charleston.
Sponsor: Bruce and Joyce Myers