All Hallows
4750 North Washington Road | Piqua, Ohio
This barn is constructed of wood. The owners believe it was initially a cabin during the 1825-30 era, and then enlarged at a later date. There is a hay/straw claw above in the barn, and pig doors on the south side.
Located South of Piqua. From Piqua, take County Rd. 25A South to Farrington Road, turn right (West) and continue to N. Washington Rd., turn right (North), continuing for approximately 1/4 of a mile. If you reach Bausman Rd, you’ve passed it.
From Troy – take 25A North to Farrington Rd. (you will pass under I-75), turn left (West), and continue as described as above. If traveling I-75 from either direction, take Exit #78 and turn left (North) to Farrington Rd. Turn left and follow previous directions.
Sponsor: James & Catherine Oda