Miami County Visitors and Convention Bureau Launches New Grant Program

July 14, 2022

The Miami County Visitors & Convention Bureau (MCVCB) is launching a Tourism Grant Program for 2023. Anyone involved in travel and tourism-related activity in Miami County may apply for matching funds of up to $5,000. The purpose of the Miami County Tourism Grant Program is to help develop or bolster destination assets and the visitor experience driving visitation, overnight stays, and increase visitor spending to area communities, to enhance the liveability of the area, to support and encourage collaboration within Miami County and the region, and to assist local and regional organizations in need of financial assistance for new or improved projects that are in line with the MCVCB mission.

There will be $30,000 in grant funds available for the 2023 calendar year. These funds may be used for but are not limited to, new or expanded projects and events that elevate Miami County’s visitor experience, community wayfinding, marketing and promotional opportunities, photography and videography, and enhancements to visitor attractions and museums such as programming, art installations, interactive exhibits, and hands-on experiences.

“We are extremely proud of the work we do to shine a light on Miami County locally, regionally, and nationally,” said Leiann Stewart, executive director. “We know this program can make a difference by providing local and regional partners with additional funds for new and/or improved projects that will enhance the quality of life and visitor experience in Miami County.”

To apply, download the list of guidelines, procedures, and funding uses, from the link below or contact Leiann Stewart at

Grant Guidelines and Application:
2023 Miami County Community Grant Program Guidelines Application and Final Report3

The Miami County Visitors & Convention Bureau is a 501(c)6 organization. The mission of the MCVCB is to position Miami County as a preferred travel destination, supporting economic stability to enhance the Quality of Life in the region. For more information, visit